All Saints Street Wiki

The Ira Show is a bonus for the donghua made after the first four episodes aired.

This bonus only uses a handful of fps and talks about what happened in the episodes from Ira's point of view. It consists of rankings, art and craft explanations or even make up tutorials.


# CN Title ENG Title Release Date
1 吸血鬼主播爆料万圣街剧组机密 Vampire streamer spills All Saints Street crew infos 5th of April
2 吸血鬼主播揭秘地狱风俗 Vampire streamer reveals the customs of Hell 12th of April
3 震惊!天使光圈竟然能做这些事 Shocker! It's amazing what angel's halos can do. 19th of April
4 狼人和吸血鬼竟然和谐相处?! Werewolves and vampires living in harmony? 26th of April
5 气人主播“私密”卧室首次公开! The "private" bedroom of the angry streamer is revealed for the first time. 3rd of May
6 泥泥打工宠物店大揭秘 The big reveal of Nini's part-time job in the pet shop 10th of May
7 万圣街恐怖事件 The All Saints Street terror. 17th of May
8 别碰那个日记本!!! Don't touch that diary!!! 24th of May
9 邪魅吸血鬼妆容 Evil vampire makeup 31st of May
10 吸血鬼学校的那些奇怪的“校园怪谈”! The strange "schoolyard tales" of vampire school! 7th of June
11 恋爱大师教你分分钟追到男神女神! A relationship guru teaches you how to flirt with the person of your dreams in minutes! 14th of June