All Saints Street Wiki

All Saints Street is a manhua written by Ling Zi and published on Bilibili. The publication started the 4th of October 2016 and continues on this day.

The new chapters are updated every wednesday and saturday but at random hours. Until chapter 382 it was only available and updated on the weibo, however since said chapter, it is also updated on Bilibili with a delay for the weibo. The manhua has more than 588 chapters at this date (30/07/2022) and is known to be fan-translated in English.


In unit 1031 on All Saints Street is an apartment occupied by Neil Bowman and his roommates that are all things but normal. The manhua is a "slice of life", where each chapters shows us more about the daylife of our heroes.

Chapters (by year)[]

Chinese titles are taken from the official weibo, english titles from the asslators' translation.

# Chinese Title English Title Release Date
1 大家好,我叫包泥泥 Hello Everyone, my Name is Neil Bowman 4th of October
2 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 It’s Nice to have Friends from Abroad 6th of October
3 熊猫痴汉。 Panda Fanatic 11th of October
4 熊猫好看不好养。 While Cute, Pandas Are Hard to Keep 13th of October
5 路边的野猫,你不要睬。 Do Not Disturb Random Stray Cats in the Streets 18th of October
6 吾辈乃猫又是也。 This One Is A Nekomata 20th of October
7 我们仍未知道那天所看见的狼人的名字 We Still Don’t Know the Name of the Werewolf We Saw 25th of October
8 一匹来自北方的狼 A Wolf From the North 27th of October
9 愿天堂没有熊房客 May Heaven Have No Sh*tty Tenants 1st of November
10 学中文,就到新北方! New North Is Your First Choice For Learning Chinese! 3rd of November
11 你还有什么理由不努力? What Reason Do You Have To Not Work Hard? 8th of november
12 枪林弹雨,生死搭档!《我·阿臂》正在热映! Through Life And Death, The Best Partners! I · Abi, Now In Cinemas! 10th of November
13 指引迷途的羔羊是天使的职责。 It’s the Angel’s Duty to Guide the Lost Lamb 15th of November
14 罚抄神器,你值得拥有。 Because You’re Worth It. 17th of November
15 雾霾橙色预警,小心半兽人 Orange Smog Alert; Beware of Half-Beast Creatures. 22nd of November
16 感恩的心,感谢有你。 With a Thankful Heart, Thank You for Being Here. 24th of November
17 鲜血时光,放心的人造血。 A Bloody Good Time - Artificial Blood You Can Trust. 29th of November
18 小陆,一个靠脸吃饭的僵尸。 Xiao Lu, The Zombie Who Eats With His Face. 1st of December
19 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心。 If You Would Peel Open My Heart Layer By Layer By Layer. 6th of December
20 阿布仍未知道那年在花坛边捡到的鸟的品种……其实是喜鹊呦~ Abu Still Doesn’t Know The Species Of That Bird He Picked Up By The Garden... It’s Actually a Magpie~ 8th of December
21 焕发全新光彩,倍感重生魅力。 Revive Your Body And Regain Lively Radiance. 13th of December
22 我们不生产灵魂,我们只是灵魂的收割机。 We Do Not Manufacture Souls; We are Only Their Harvesters. 15th of December
23 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! 20th of December
24 风一般的圣诞老人。 If Santa Was Like the Wind. 22nd of December
25 天上掉下个林妹妹。 Lynn’s Sister Who Fell From Heaven. 26th of December
26 喝酒有害邻里关系。 Alcoholism Damages Neighbourly Relations 28th of December
27 All night, all day. Angels watching over me! All night, all day. Angels watching over me! 20th of December
# Chinese Title English Title Release Date
28 我愿变成童话里你爱的那个天使,送你上天堂。 I Wish I Could Become That Angel You Loved, And Send You To Heaven. 4th of January
29 朋友,试试这支罗刹国西伯利亚狼毫。 My Friend, Give This Siberian Wolf Hair Brush From Rocia A Try. 6th of January
30 中国吃货的必备技能。 The Essential Skill of Chinese Foodies. 9th of January
31 爱吃面条的你,今天吃面了吗? Hey There Noodle Lover, Have Any Noodles Today? 11th of January
32 祥瑞御免,升官发财。 Avoid good omens to climb ranks and prosper. 13th of January
33 睡觉的时候乱动,可能是在做恶梦。 Erratic Movement During Sleep May Indicate Nightmares. 17th of January
34 入乡随俗需谨慎。 Be Careful When You Adopt Cultural Practices. 19th of January
35 不会画糖画的老北京不是好的庙会达人。 Beijinger Who Can’t Sugar Paint Isn’t A Good Miaohui-goer. 25th of January
36 鸡年大吉!感谢有你! Happy Year of the Rooster! Thank You For Being Here! 27th of January
37 爱的战士,今天也在奋斗着。 Yet Another Day of Fighting For The Fighter Of Love. 7th of February
38 想要乱点鸳鸯谱吗?首先你需要一个丘比特。 Want to Make People Fall in Love Spontaneously? First, you need a Cupid. 9th of February
39 天若有情天亦老,红线牵我好不好 The Ageless Universe Would Grow Old if it Felt Humanity's Plight, Red String of Love Guide Me to the Light. 14th of February
40 召唤需谨慎,画阵要选地儿。 Be Careful When Summoning, Be Sure to Find a Good Place to Draw the Arrays. 16th of February
41 天下爹妈都一样。 The World’s Parents are All the Same. 21st of February
42 展示特殊能力要适时且适度。 Demonstrate Special Powers at the Right Time, in Moderation. 23rd of February
43 请珍惜你身边的设计师朋友。 Please Cherish Your Graphic Designer Friends. 28th of February
44 “今天天气晴朗,万里无云,在老师的带领下我们走进了博物馆。博物馆的木乃伊红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪,在欢声笑语中我们结束了一天的参观。” On a Clear, Sunny Day We Entered the Museum Under the Guidance of Our Teacher. 2nd of March
45 崽,阿爸对你非常失望! Son, Dad is Very Disappointed in You 7th of March
46 春天到了,大家一起出门感受阳光吧~ Spring Is Here, Everybody Come Out and Feel the Sunshine~ 9th of March
47 我头上有只猫!我身后没尾巴!谁也不知道!我有多少~秘密~ I Have a Cat on My Head! I Don't Have a Tail! Nobody Knows How Many ~Secrets I Have~ 14th of March
48 猫毛只有长在猫身上才可爱。 Cat Hairs are Only Cute When They're on Cats 16th of March
49 民族的,才是世界的。 Only True Culture is Worth Presenting to the World. 21st of March
50 舞伴和老伴一样,要选最适合自己的。 Choosing a Dance Partner Is Just Like Choosing a Spouse - The One That Suits You Is the Best 23rd of March
51 这只地狱犬,看起来很眼熟。 Doesn’t This Hellhound Look Familiar? 27th of March
52 愉快而干燥的一天,从打工开始! A Dry and Enjoyable Day Starts with Hard Work! 29th of March
53 骑上我的兽,活到九十六。 Ride on My Beast and Live to Ninety-Six. 31st of March
54 快把我妹带走。 Take My Sister Away. 5th of April
55 在妹妹面前,一切困难都是纸老虎。 For Little Sisters, All Difficulties Are But Paper Tigers. 7th of April
56 如果我有荧光棒,变软,变硬,变亮亮! If I Had a Glowstick, I’d Make It Go Soft, Go Hard, and Go Bright! 11th of April
57 优秀的业务员就是要带齐全套装备再出门。 An Excellent Salesperson is Always Fully Equipped. 13th of April
58 林老师,快回来啊,你家后院起火啦! Lynn-Laoshi, Come Here! Your Backyard Is On Fire! 18th of April
59 你是天使中的魔鬼,所以送我心碎的方式,是让我笑到最后一秒为止,才发现自己身上插了一堆叉子。 You Are the Demon Among Angels, Your Gift to Me Is Heartbreak, Only Feeling the Forks Embedded in Me, When My Last Second of Happiness Flees. 20th of April
60 话不能乱说,东西也不可以乱吃哦。 Watch Your Words and Watch What You Eat~ 25th of April
61 少年,我看你天赋异禀、骨骼惊奇,要不要和我一起下地狱呀? Young Man, I See That You Have Incredible Potential and Bone Structure. Do You Want to Go to Hell With Me? 27th of April
62 在你需要我的时候,我来陪你一起度过,我的好兄弟,心里有苦你对我说。 When You Need Me, I’ll Keep You Company. My Good Brother, Tell Me About Your Pain and Struggles. 2nd of May
63 Don't kick the god damn baby. Don't kick the god damn baby. 4th of May
64 床头柜上的植物要选好。 Choose Your Bedside Plant Wisely. 9th of May
65 不是每个人都能像白雪公主那样和小鸟聊天。 Not Everyone Can Chat With The Birds Like Snow White. 11th of May
66 天下没有白拿的土鸡蛋。 There’s No Such Thing as Free Eggs. 16th of May
67 家长吵架的时候,站队要慎重。 When Parents Are Fighting, Choose Your Side Carefully. 18th of May
68 物种不一样,日用品也就不一样。 Different Species Have Different Necessities. 23rd of May
69 梦里面,空气开始冒烟,蒙眬中完美的脸,慢慢的出现—— 25th of May
70 大家今天都吃了什么馅的粽子? What Kind of Zongzi Did You Eat Today? 30th of May
71 大房东来啦! The Great Landlord is Here! 1st of June
72 闪闪惹人爱,闪闪惹人爱。 Love Shines on the Bright Ones. 6th of June
73 我看着路,梦的入口有点窄,我遇见你是最美丽的意外。 8th of June
74 林老师眉头一皱,发现事情并不简单。 12th of June
75 我的愿望,就是一直叫下去。 My Only Wish Is To Keep Howling. 15th of June
76 要和不同物种的家伙做朋友,先从参加他们的内部活动开始。 20th of June
77 朋友,我当你一秒朋友。 Friend, I’ll Be Your One-Second Friend. 22nd of June
78 家长对恋爱中的孩子总是会很担心。 27th of June
79 想约走我的妹妹,先过我这关。 29th of June
80 解除魔法总有几种固定套路。 4th of July
81 喜欢你不是因为挨了爱神那一箭。 6th of July
82 你是我的姐妹,你是我的Baby! You Are My Sister, You Are My Baby! 11th of July
83 我们地狱的教育,是真正的素质教育。 13th of July
84 在外打拼,家里人最担心你有没有好好吃饭。 17th of July
85 暑假到了,还是开着空调躺在家里哪里都不去最爽了。 19th of July
86 饲养狼族的正确方法。 The Correct Method of Wolf Keeping 23rd of July
87 夏天到了,快来一起玩水吧! 25th of JUly
88 每年夏天我都有一个愿望,那就是学会游泳。 27th of July
89 你会在游泳池里发现朋友真正的样子。 30th of July
90 进地狱容易,出地狱难。 Hell is Easy to Enter, Difficult to Exit. 1st of August
91 地狱的霸主,是袋鼠。 The Rulers of Hell are Kangaroos. 3rd of August
92 Daddy is back! Daddy is back! 6th of August
93 啊这个人就是爹,啊这个人就是爸! That Person is Father, That Person is Dad! 8th of August
94 我错了,我真的错了,我从一开始就不应该到这个地方来。 10th of August
95 旅游的时候不买一些纪念品总觉得缺点什么。 11th of August
96 每个人身边都有那么一两个戏精朋友。 Everyone Has a Couple of Dramatic Friends. 15th of August
97 那天我们回想起了夏天停电的恐惧。 17th of August
98 愚蠢的哥哥哟,你需要了解的东西还有很多很多。 20th of August
99 嫉妒使我面目全非。 Jealousy Made Me Unrecognisably Ugly. 22nd of August
100 今天第一百话啦! We Reached Chapter 100 Today! 24th of August
101 是男人,就堂堂正正的一决胜负吧! 27th of August
102 闻道有先后,术业有专攻。 29th of August
103 你是电,你是光,你是唯一的神话。 31st of August
104 新学期,新气象。 Dreams Are Where the Heart Is. 3rd of September
105 交作业的时候每个人的心都是忐忑的。 5th of September
106 心若在,梦就在。 Dreams Are Where the Heart Is. 7th of September
107 祝全天下的老师节日快乐! To All Teachers: Happy Teacher’s Day! 10th of September
108 平时说话聊天的时候,一定要注意声音大小。 12th of September
109 对待感情问题要慎重慎重再慎重。 14th of September
110 开学了,你的室友怎么样? Schools In, How’s Your Roommate? 19th of September
111 有话好好说。 If You Have Something to Say, Say It Properly. 21st of September
112 健身教练总给我很大压迫感。 Fitness Trainers Always Stress Me Out. 24th of September
113 有些人的青春期来的会比较晚。 Puberty Comes Later for Some People. 26th of September
114 每次我想更懂你,我们却更有距离。 28th of September
115 其实我想更懂你,不是为了抓紧你,我只是怕你会忘记,有人永远爱着你。 29th of September
116 每次想到脱发问题,我就愁的掉头发。 10th of October
117 食疗是最终手段。 Food Treatment Is The Ultimate Cure. 12th of October
118 按照教程做出来的东西总是和教程里说的不一样。 17th of October
119 有情人终成兄妹。 Your Lover Might Be Your Long-Lost Sibling. 19th of October
120 神仙不光打架,还打球。 24th of October
121 日有所吃,夜有所梦。 26th of October
122 【万圣节特别篇!part.1】很久很久以前,巨龙突然出现…… Halloween Special, Part 1: 31st of October
123 【万圣节特别篇!part.2】国王好抓不好养。 Halloween Special, Part 2: 2nd of November
124 【万圣节特别篇!完结!】So they all lived happily ever after. Halloween Special, End: So they all lived happily ever after. 7th of November
125 螺蛳粉真的好好吃。 Luosifen Is Really Delicious. 9th of November
126 拆东墙,补西墙。 Break the East Wall to Fix the West Wall. 14th of November
127 终于等到你!还好我没放弃! 16th of November
128 人在江湖飘,总要带点防身的东西。 21st of November
129 独角兽的历史伴随着血与泪。 Unicorn History Is Soaked In Blood And Tears. 24th of November
130 马脸的魅力无人能挡。 The Charm of a Horse’s Face Is Irresistible. 26th of November
131 如果善意有形状,它会是什么样? 28th of November
132 懂事的小孩惹人爱。 Sensible Children Are The Most Lovable. 30th of November
133 一个家里不能有两个同样属性的人。 2nd of December
134 猫咪总是在你停止找它的时候出现. 5th of December
135 在集体生活中要注意每个人的生活习惯哦 7th of December
136 恶作剧的尺度要仔细的考量。 9th of December
137 You're beautiful.You're beautiful.You're beautiful,it's true. You're beautiful, it's true. 12th of December
138 猪队友很可怕,马队友也很可怕。 14th of December
139 哪里有彩虹告诉我,能不能把我的感动还给我。 16th of December
140 圣诞周来啦! Christmas is Here! 19th of December
141 过节就是要真心话大冒险! 21st of December
142 圣诞节马上要到了,大家的陪伴就是我们收到的最美好的礼物 23rd of December
143 种族天赋是无法抵挡的。 Natural Talent Can't Be Beaten. 26th of December
144 So shine bright, tonight, you and I,We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky. So shine bright, tonight, you and I,We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky. 28th of December
145 我的世界变得奇妙更难以言喻,还以为是从天而降的梦境。直到确定手的温度来自你心里,这一刻我终于勇敢说爱你。 30th of December
# Chinese Title English Title Release Date
146 养的宠物太多难免会起矛盾。 2nd of January
147 戴眼罩的角色总是给人很厉害的感觉。 4th of January
148 只因为在人群中多看了你一眼,再也没能忘掉你的容颜。 9th of January
149 和喜欢的人独处的时候一定要冷静,不冷静就要装冷静。 11th of January
150 把握生命里的每一分钟,全力以赴我们心中的梦! 16th of January
151 AI也无法抵抗的动物,是食物链顶端的存在。 18th of January
152 你说你是哥哥我是弟,你要为我遮风挡住雨。 23rd of January
153 哥哥和弟弟的关系就像鼻子和鼻涕,谁也离不开谁。 25th of January
154 月初过得太嗨,月底就要到处讨饭。 30th of January
155 我们唯一值得恐惧的,是恐惧本身。 1st of February
156 没事多看看窗外,可能会看到比班主任更恐怖的东西。 6th of February
157 狼人们一起玩狼人杀就更加扑朔迷离。 8th of February
158 爱满人间!就在明天! 13th of February
159 新年快乐!大家今天晚上都吃了啥? 15th of February
160 从初一到初五,来我家做客的亲戚朋友就没重过样。 20th of February
161 开工了,但我的灵魂还在度假。 22nd of February
162 见得早不如见得巧。 27th of February
163 我们的战队成员有,一个有钱人,一个话唠,一个强大的女性,一个普通人,一个外星人还有一个…… 1st of March
164 超级英雄之间的关系就和同事之间的关系一样,总有吵架的时候。 3rd of March
165 妈妈叫你刷碗的时候最好赶紧刷。 6th of March
166 总是学不会做饭,可能是看的教程不对口味。 8th of March
167 总是学不会做饭,可能是看的教程不对口味。 10th of March
168 娃娃机里的娃娃10块钱一个,你兜里有100块钱,问,兜里的钱能换几个娃娃? 13th of March
169 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜。 15th of March
170 趁年轻,要尽兴。 20th of March
171 在十块钱一斤的草莓和十五块一斤的草莓之间纠结的,是今天早上的我。 22nd of March
172 不是一家人,不进一家门。 27th of March
173 高高举起,轻轻放下。 29th of March
174 什么,明天就是愚人节了? 31st of March
175 修罗场,一生一次足矣。 3rd of April
176 一米七八独角兽,百年猫妖萌妹子,你要pick谁? 4th of April
177 当爱已成负担,你还能否爆衫? 7th of April
178 我要我要找我爸爸,去到哪里也要找我爸爸,我的好爸爸没找到,若你见到他就劝他回家…… 10th of April
179 常在窗边走,千万别低头。 12th of April
180 你好,请问你是来找我的哥哥还是我的姐姐? 14th of April
181 当我们抱在一起的时候,我知道这样或许是不对的。因为我是个自由自在的男人,所以我不是你最好的选择。 17th of April
182 面包和爱情不能同时拥有的时候,那就吃面条吧 19th of April
183 不管是吃饭还是交朋友都要亲自解决。 21st of April
184 大家都默认宠物变成人以后会是帅哥美女。 24th of April
185 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼,永永远远地擦亮眼。 26th of April
186 很久很久以前,巨龙突然出现。下一句是什么来着 ? 28th of April
187 君子报仇,十年太晚。 1st of May
188 是不是爱你就会变成你? 5th of May
189 满足客户的一切需求就是我们的宗旨。 8th of May
190 我有一个梦想,每天早上从钱堆里起来。 11th of May
191 你和天使只有一句咒语的距离。 13th of May
192 龙是一种有收集癖的生物。 15th of May
193 美丽即是正义。 17th of May
194 我和你缠缠绵绵翩翩飞,飞跃这红尘永相随。等到秋风尽秋叶落成堆,能陪你一起枯萎也无悔。 19th of May
195 理想是美好的,过程是艰辛的,结果是跑偏的。 22nd of May
196 送给妈妈的礼物需要全家人一起努力挑选。 29th of May
197 善恶终有报,天道好轮回,不信抬头看,苍天饶过谁! 31st of May
198 “我的爸爸是一个盖世英雄。”( 5th of June
199 夏天到了,一起去林中小屋吧! 7th of June
200 恐怖电影里的主角不作死,剧情就无法推进。 12th of June
201 确认过眼神,是一个种类的人。 19th of June
202 啊,多么痛的领悟—— 21st of June
203 这个故事,发生在六月二十一日。 26th of June
204 结识新朋友,不忘老朋友,多少新朋友,变成老朋友。 28th of June
205 开门复动竹,疑是故人来。 3rd of July
206 上山迷路已是定番。 4th of July
207 比赛第二,开心第一。 6th of July
208 能成为朋友的两人一定有相似的地方。 10th of July
209 求人不如求己。 12th of July
210 凉凉的东西在夏天总是很受欢迎。 14th of July
211 牙医对我说,你这满口的牙啊,没一个好东西。 17th of July
212 天热就要少穿点。 19th of July
213 小样,别以为套上马甲我就认不出你了。 21st of July
214 风大雨大,吃块萝卜吧。 24th of July
215 我曾经跨过山和大海,也穿过人山人海。 26th of July
216 熟人相见,分外亲切。 28th of July
217 我来到,你的城市,走过你来时的路。 31st of July
218 回家喽! 2nd of August
219 在山上玩的时候千万不要打扰山上的花花草草。 4th of August
220 他们都老了吧?他们在哪里呀?我们就这样,各自奔天涯。 7th of August
221 你会跟你的面包做朋友吗? 9th of August
222 那时的你说,要和我手牵手 ,一起走到时间的尽头 。 11th of August
223 不要轻易进行系统更新。 14th of August
224 投其所好,对症下药。 16th of August
225 Do me a favour, give me a hand. Do me a favour, give me a hand. 18th of August
226 见到爱豆要保持冷静。 23rd of August
227 我们一起去玩吧,一起啊啊啊啊啊—— 25th of August
228 朋友聚会总会有控制不住音量的时候。 28th of August
229 AI切开都是黑的。 30th of August
230 主角改造计划2.0 4th of September
231 怎么忍心怪你犯了错,是我给你自由过了火。 6th of September
232 不打破小孩子的幻想是成年人的温柔。 11th of September
233 这是三天前发生的故事。 13th of September
234 几百岁的人了,总会有那么一两个仇家。 18th of September
235 不是不报,时候未到。 20th of September
236 不管是正派还是反派,都有可能死于话多。 25th of September
237 去签售会要提前半个月做准备。 27th of September
238 今天的厨房需要你来搭把手。 2nd of October
239 伤筋动骨一百天。 4th of October
240 你走你的阳关道,我走我的独木桥 9th of October
241 没有钱的时候更要坦坦荡荡的说出来。 11th of October
242 一门外语学不好,那就学两门。 13th of October
243 运动会上我最拿手的是写广播稿。 16th of October
244 又北四十里,曰霍山,其木多榖。有兽焉,其状如狸,而白尾,有鬣,名曰腓腓,养之可以已忧。——《山海经·卷五·中山经》 18th of October
245 何以解忧,唯有撸猫! 21st of October
246 梦里不知身是客,一晌贪欢。 23rd of October
247 游泳健身奥数题了解一下。 25th of October
248 照相的时候拿一个比较大的杯子放在脸旁边可以显脸小。 27th of October
249 在喜欢的人面前,我们的智商都会变得有点低。 30th of October
250 planA到planZ通通要做好。 1st of November
251 从今天开始咱们就是小姐妹了。 4th of November
252 衣不如新,人不如旧。 6th of November
253 冬季干燥,谨防火灾。 8th of November
254 暖气还不来,我的泪成海。 13th of November
255 和老朋友见面总会想起一些不堪回首的往事。 15th of November
256 有话好好说。 17th of November
257 夜夜想起妈妈的话,闪闪的泪光鲁冰花。 20th of November
258 有时候哄父母就像哄孩子。 22nd of November
259 前段时间大家买的东西应该都已经收到了吧。 24th of November
260 父母都很难预测小孩子长大以后会变成什么样。 27th of November
261 招揽生意最怕用力过猛。 29th of November
262 在学校学到的知识会有用上的一天。 1st of December
263 努力工作虽好,但要小心过劳哦~ 4th of December
264 半夜出去买零食吃会有很大的风险。 6th of December
265 滴水之恩,涌泉相报。 8th of December
266 挖树要刨根,打蛇打七寸。 10th of December
267 表白很难,难在开不了口。 13th of December
268 许愿要小心。 15th of December
269 从哪儿来回哪儿去。 18th of December
270 带实习生可以提前体验带孩子的感觉。 20th of December
271 不管男女都怕入错行。 25th of December
272 不要随便给别人灌鸡汤。 27th of December
273 年末了,很多东西会莫名其妙的消失。 29th of December